post 15

world cases – 1,015,466

world deaths – 53,190

world recovered – 212,229

USA cases – 245,066

USA deaths – 6,075

Big news is we hit the 1M mark in the world for number of cases

USA hitting 1k+ deaths per day

Italy has definitely hit the top and is coming down

Spain still going towards top – 900+ deaths daily

France hitting bigger numbers – 1k+ today

UK heading towards 500+ daily deaths

Netherlands, Belgium, Germany all 1k+ new daily cases

Florida will go into official shelter in place tonight at midnight

USA weekly unemployment numbers hit a new historic high today – 6.6M new claims this week – up from 3.3M claims last week

We now have 10M new unemployed in USA – next week will be more

People are being put in freezers after they die – no funerals in site due to fear of spreading the virus

I took my mother to the grocery store today to stock up for 2 weeks as we head into state lockdown

Started the new company yesterday – working on first deals now

I truly feel that it is my destiny to move forward with this new business right now in this time of crisis

I never would have thought that 4 weeks ago

You never know what is going to happen and you never know how people are going to act

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