NOTE: these numbers reflect 2 days of stats from last note (did not report yesterday – sunday)
world cases – 774,422
world deaths – 37,078
world recovered – 164,532
USA cases – 158,571
USA deaths – 2,938
A lot going on –
USA still on path of 500+ deaths per day
World on path of 5k-7k deaths per day
Italy had 800+ deaths yesterday – appears to have hit a plateau
Spain had 500+ deaths yesterday – also hitting a plateau
France going up – 400+ deaths yesterday
UK going up – 200+ deaths yesterday
USA deaths per MIL creeping up – now at 9 deaths per MIL people
Italy and Spain very high – 192, 157 respectively
NY seeing 5k+ new cases per day
Trump has extended his stay at home plan to April 30th – pushed back 2 more weeks
Trump continues to give daily briefings – yesterday had all the transportation and healthcare executives giving reports on how they are helping the supply chain – delivering necessary products and developing safety products – like masks
There was an online/TV concert last night – elton john hosted and artists performed from their homes
NASACR had simulated race where the drivers all drove from their homes like a video game and the race was broadcast on TV
Central Park now has emergency field hospitals for the overflow of patients and for virus testing
Florida governor has issued a stay at home order for south florida
Leading healthcare companies like J&J are starting to work on the vaccine for the virus – should have something by Q1 2021
The strangest thing is happening in nature – with humans locked down in their homes – nature is coming back strong – less animals dying on roads or being hunted. The lakes, seas, rivers, and even the canals of Venice all becoming clearer – more healthy. Less trees being cut down. More fish, birds literally coming out of the woodwork.
Air pollution and CO2 levels falling rapidly with less travel and traffic by humans
All beaches shut down in our town – party is over – people were not practicing social distancing
Kids started their online classes today – this could be good for them and their grades
Driveway happy hours continue at our house
I still think that starting my own consulting company is a good idea – I need to focus more on the format/outline of the business – need to create all the necessary sales decks, process decks